Sporting Memorabilia, Place Branding and Dark Sports Tourism

Tourism is a multifaceted phenomenon involving travel for personal or professional purposes,
with dark tourism focusing on sites tied to tragic historical events. Dark tourism often
intersects with sports, where certain organizations are shaped by dramatic events in their
histories. For instance, the Cypriot football club “Nea Salamina” was deeply affected by the
Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, which forced its relocation from Famagusta to Larnaca.
Events like these influence the identities of sports organizations, which often commemorate
such tragedies to honor individuals, reflect on their history, or highlight their growth. Recent
studies have explored how sports organizations also use these tragic events for place and
destination branding. They promote travel and cultural interaction by creating relationships
with certain locations. Football clubs, for example, create themed memorabilia, such as
jerseys, that incorporate symbols and narratives from historical tragedies. These products
introduce tourists to local history by bridging the gap between sports, tourism and dark
tourism. This study examines the impact of a commemorative football jersey on a local
community and a football club's identity, highlighting its broader implications in the sports
and tourism sectors. It also highlights the cultural and economic value of such projects.
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