TALYS calculations for α capture reactions on Cu isotopes

Δημοσιευμένα: Ιουλ 31, 2024
Maria Peoviti
Michail Axiotis
Nikolaos Patronis
Paraskevi Dimitriou
Varvara Foteinou
Sotirios Harissopulos
Fotios Maragkos
Detlef Rogalla

Within the present work, previously measured experimental cross-sections of the 63Cu(α,γ)67Ga reaction at astrophysical energies are compared with a variety of different theoretical calculations. Utilizing the nuclear reaction code TALYS (v1.96), the research incorporates all available models for the α-particle Optical Model Potential (α-OMP), Nuclear Level Densities (NLD), and γ-ray Strength Functions (γ-SF), as well as, all the combinations of the aforementioned parameters, resulting in a large number of theoretical calculations. The primary goal is to optimize the parametrization of the HF calculations to best describe the experimental data. The same methodology is applied to the 65Cu(α,γ)69Ga reaction to comprehensively examine the impact of different models on cross-section calculations in this mass region. While this work is ongoing, preliminary results are presented within this contribution. 

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
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