Some Issues Related to the Direct Detection of Dark Matter

Δημοσιευμένα: Αυγ 30, 2021
J. D. Vergados
In this paper we review the theoretical issues involved in the direct detectionof supersymmetric (SUSY) dark matter. After a brief discussion of the allowedSYSY parameter space we focus on the determination of the traditional neutralinodetection rates, in experiments which measure the energy of the recoiling nucleus,such as the coherent and spin induced rates and the dependence of the rate onthe motion of the Earth (modulation effect). Then we examine the novel featuresappearing in directional experiments, which detect the recoiling nucleus in a givendirection. Next we estimate the branching ratios for transitions to accessibleexcited nuclear levels. Finally we estimate the event rates leading to the atomionization and subsequent detection of the outgoing electrons.
Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Oral contributions
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