The Role of Λ-Effective Mass in a Phenomenological Analysis of the Λ-Energy in Hypernuclei

Δημοσιευμένα: Feb 20, 2020
C. A. Efthimiou
M. E. Grypeos
C. G. Koutroulos

A preliminary account is given of an effort undertaken to allow for the effective mass of the Λ-particle in a phenomenological analysis of existing experimental data for the (ground state) energy of the Λ : EΛ in hypernuclei. The non - relativistic treatment is adopted to describe the motion of the Λ - particle, by considering a central potential well V (r), formed by the nuclear "host" medium of the Λ in the hypernucleus. The Λ - effective mass in the medium is taken to be an r-dependent effective mass mΛ(r) representing approximately some non-local effects in a way suggested in the past. Certain preliminary numerical results are obtained and discussed.

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