Binding energies of hypernuclei and hypernuclear interactions

Δημοσιευμένα: Feb 19, 2020
A. R. Bodmer
S. Murall
Q. N. Usmanis

In part 1 the effect of nuclear core dynamics cm the binding energies of Λ hy­ pernuclei is discussed in the framework of variational correlated wave functions. In particular, we discuss a new rearrangement energy contribution and its effect on the core polarization. In part 2 we consider the interpretation of the Λ single-particle energy in terms of basic Λ-nuclear interactions using a local density approximation based on a fermi hypernetted chain calculation of the Λ binding to nuclear matter. To account for the data strongly repulsive 3-body AN Ν forces are required. Also in this framework we discuss core polarization for medium and heavier hypernuclei.

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  • Ενότητα
  • Oral contributions