Nonlinear extension of the u(3) algebra as the symmetry algebra of the three-dimensional anisotropic quantum harmonic oscillator with rational ratios of frequencies and the Nilsson model

Δημοσιευμένα: Φεβ 19, 2020
Dennis Bonatsos
C. Daskaloyannis
P. Kolokotronis
D. Lenis

The symmetry algebra of the N-dimensional anisotropic quantum har- monic oscillator with rational ratios of frequencies is constructed by a method of general applicability to quantum superintegrable systems. The special case of the 3-dim oscillator is studied in more detail, because of its relevance in the description of superdeformed nuclei and nuclear and atomic clusters. In this case the symmetry algebra turns out to be a nonlinear extension of the u(3) algebra. A generalized angular momentum operator useful for labeling the degenerate states is constructed, clarifying the connection of the present formalism to the Nilsson model.

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  • Oral contributions