Nuclear structure dependence of the coherent (μ-,e-) conversion matrix elements

Δημοσιευμένα: Feb 19, 2020
T. S. Kosmas
Amand Faessler
F. Simkovic
J. D. Vergados

Coherent rates for the neutrinoless muon to electron conversion. (μ-, e-) in the presence of nuclei, are studied throughout the periodic table. The relevant ground state to ground state transition matrix elements are obtained in the context of the quasi-particle RPA. The results are discussed in view of the existing experimental data extracted at TRIUMF and PSI for 48Ti and 208Pb nuclei and compared with: (i) the single particle shell model results calculated with a determinantal ground state wave function and (ii) the results deduced in a local density approximation.

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  • Oral contributions