High Spin States in 193Hg

Δημοσιευμένα: Feb 19, 2020
N. Fotiades
- et al.

The high-spin structure of 193Hg was investigated by in-beam γ-ray spectro­scopic techniques. The tandem accelerator at Daresbury Laboratory, U. K., was used to populate excited states of 193Hg through the reaction 150Nd(48Ca,5n)193Hg at a beam energy of 213 MeV and the EUROGAM detector array was used to de­ tect the γ-rays emitted by the deexciting nuclei. The normal level scheme has been further extended and a new band has been observed. In addition two new ΔI=1 structures of competing dipole and quadrupole transitions were found which will be discussed in detail.

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