Correlated charge form factors and densities of the sd-shell nuclei

Δημοσιευμένα: Φεβ 18, 2020
S. E. Massen

The expression of the two body term in the fac­ tor cluster expansion of the charge form factor of 40Ca is contains the harmonic oscillator (HO) parameter bx and the parameter λ which originates from the Jastrow correlation function. This expression together with the corresponding one of 16O nucleus helps to find a mass de­pendence of λ and an approximate and fairly simple expres­ sion of the two body term of open shell nuclei in the region 16<A<40 which contains one free parameter, the HO parameter bi. The fitting to the corresponding experimen­tal charge form factor is quite improved in comparison to the HO one without correlations.

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