Study of the exotic μ-e conversion in nuclei using RQRPA

Δημοσιευμένα: Φεβ 11, 2020
Zhongzhu Ren
A. Faessler
T. S. Kosmas

The neutrinoless muon-to-electron conversion in nuclei is studied by using the renormalized quasiparticle random-phase approximation (RQRPA). This generalization of RPA is more reliable for the extremely small (μ-,e-) transition matrix elements than the ordinary QRPA because it restores the Pauli principle to a large extent. We apply the method to a set of nuclei throughout the periodic table, but we specifically investigate the 48Ti and 208Pb nuclei which are currently used as stopping targets at the PSI μ-e conversion experiments with the SINDRUM II spectrometer.

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  • Oral contributions