Search for exotic nuclear breakup configurations in Au+Au collisions

Δημοσιευμένα: Ιαν 1, 2020
A. Sochocka
A. Benisz
P. Hachaj
N. G. Nicolis
R. Planeta
Z. Starypan

We study the feasibility of an experimental observation of toroidal breakup configurations in Au+Au collisions using the CHIMERA multidetector system. BUU simulations performed on the 197Au+197Au and 124Sn+124Sn systems indicate that the threshold energy for toroidal configuration formation decreases with increasing mass of the interacting system. For Au+Au collisions, this threshold energy is found around 20 MeV/nucleon. Static model simulations are also employed in order to explore the nature of reaction events involving a toroidal breakup configuration.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Oral contributions
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