Cross sections for the neutral current νe - 116Cd scattering reaction

Δημοσιευμένα: Jan 1, 2020
K. G. Balasi
T. S. Kosmas
P. C. Divari
V. C. Chasioti

The cross sections for neutrino scattering off the 116Cd nucleus have been computed by utilizing the Quasi-particle Random Phase Approximation (QRPA). An- gular and initial energy dependence of the neutrino-nucleus cross sections have been calculated at low and intermediate electron neutrino energies up to 100 MeV. By solving the QRPA equations and fixing the appropriate parameters the lowest lying excitation energies spectrum was reproduced. The contributions from multipole ex- citations was examined. The obtained results could be used for studying the nuclear response of this isotope to supernova neutrino spectra.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Oral contributions
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