Analysis of the binding energies of the Λ- particle in hypernuclei with the RHVT approach and the Gauss potential

Δημοσιευμένα: Nov 23, 2019
C. A. Efthimiou
M. E. Grypeos
C. G. Koutroulos
Th. Petridou

An analysis is carried out mainly of the ground state binding energies of the Λ-particle in hypernuclei with values of the core mass number AC between 15 and 207 (included) using, as far as possible, recent experimental data.Τhe renormalized (non- relativistic) quantum mechanical hypervirial theorem (RHVT) technique is employed in the form of s- power series expansions and a Gauss single particle potential for the motion of a Λ- particle in hypernuclei is used. Not exact analytic solution is known for the Schrödinger eigenvalue problem in this case. Thus, the approximate analytic expressions (AAE) for the energy eigenvalues which are obtained with the RHVT approach and are quite useful as long as the involved dimensionless parameter s is sufficiently small, are compared only with the numerical solution. The potential parameters are determined by a least-squares fit in the framework of the rigid core model for the hypernuclei. A discussion is also made regarding the determination of the renormalization parameter χ.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
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