Modelling and assessment of 137-Cs and of heavy metals impact on marine ecosystems

Δημοσιευμένα: Ιαν 1, 2020
M. Psaltaki
N. C. Markatos

Modelling is an important and useful tool for predicting the behaviour and the impact of pollutants on the local ecosystem parameters. More specifically, simulation and computational methods can be used for estimating the environmental impact on marine ecosystems.

The paper presents a three-dimensional general deterministic model, developed to simulate and study the time-dependent behaviour of 137Cs in marine environments. The model capabilities are demonstrated by applying it at the northeast region of the island of Lemnos, in the NE Aegean Sea, Greece. Full Navier-Stokes equations for transient, three-dimensional turbulent flow, heat and mass transfer are solved numerically. The solution method is the finite-volume method and the general CFD code in which the present model is implemented is Phoenics.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Oral contributions
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