The Application of the High-Velocity Transient Field for the g(2^+_1) Measurement in the Neutron-rich 72Zn

Δημοσιευμένα: Dec 1, 2013
T. J. Mertzimekis
for the GANIL E535 Collaboration

The first successful application of the recently developed High-Velocity Transient Field Technique (HVTF) on European soil was performed at GANIL. HVTF is an extension of the well established Transient Field (TF) technique, which utilizes immense hyperfine magnetic fields (10-100 kG) capable of inducing a spin precession of an excited nucleus. With the advent of radioactive beams, detailed explorations of such hyperfine fields have been carried out at larger-than-usual ion velocities in an effort to introduce the technique to large radioactive beam facilities.

The neutron-rich radioactive 72Zn isotope is an ideal playground for HVTF. Coulomb excitation populated the 2^+_1 state in 72Zn nuclei, produced as fast secondary beams at GANIL and INFN-LNS, aiming to (a) calibrate the hyperfine field at these beam energies and (b) measure the g factor of 2^+_1 directly. The outcome of these experiments are reported and the application of the HVTF to magnetic-moment measurements are briefly described.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
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  • Oral contributions
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