Behaviour of Y203:Eu3+ Scintillator under Radiation used in Medical Applications

Δημοσιευμένα: Dec 5, 2019
I. Kandarakis
D. Cavouras
G. S. Panayiotakis
D. Koutsogiorgis
D. Triantis
C. D. Nomicos

The Y2 O3:Eu3+ scintillator was studied for use in radiation detectors of medical imaging systems. Y2 O3 :Eu3+ was used in the form of laboratory prepared test screens. The x-ray luminescence efficiency of the screens was measured for tube voltages up 250 kVp. The intrinsic x-ray to light conversion efficiency (nc) and other optical parameters of the Y2 03:Eu3+ scintillator related to optical scattering, absorption, and reflection were determined. The light emission spectrum of Y2 03:Eu3+ was measured (λ=613 rim). The x-ray luminescence efficiency peaked at 180 mg/cm2 screen coating weight. The intrinsic x-ray to light conversion efficiency was found to be nc =0.095. Results indicated that Y2 03:Eu3+ is a medium to high overall performance material that could be used in medical imaging systems.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
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