Optics for the IASA cw RTM

Δημοσιευμένα: Δεκ 5, 2019
N. Sparveris
A. V. Filippas
H. Herminghaus
K. Hizanidis
A. Karabarbounis
N. Papadakis
C. N. Papanicolas
E. Stiliaris
N. Vodinas

A Continuous Wave Cascade Racetrack Microtron (RTM) is being built at the Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications (IASA). Making optimal use of the available equipment (obtained from NIST and the University of Illinois), a two-stage ν = 1 Cascade scheme with optics similar to those of the Mainz RTM was adopted. The IASA CW RTM will provide a variable output energy from 6.5 to 246 MeV, with current intensity exceeding ΙΟΟμΑ The LANL side-coupled linear accelerator structure operates at the RF frequency of 2380 MHz. The new design provides excellent emittance characteristics. Details of the optics design and results of the 100 keV beam Line of the Athens CW Cascade RTM are presented.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Oral contributions
S. Penner et al., Progress Report on the NBS / Los Alamos RTM, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-32 (1985) 2269-2271
L.S. Cardman, The Illinois Cascade Microtron: A proposal for a High Duty lector, Intermediate Energy Electron Accelerator, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-30 (1983) 3267-3273
A.V. Tiunov, V.l. Shvedunov, I.V. Surma and K. Hizanidis, C. Trikalinos, C.N. Papanicolas, Variants of Optics Schemes and Accelerator Configurations for the Athens Microtron: Preliminary Considerations, Paper presented at the PAC95 Conference (1995), Dallas, USA
A.V. Filippas, A.V. Tiunov and I.V. Surma, Optics Schemes for the Athens CW RTM, European Research Conference on Nuclear Physics: Polarization in Electron Scattering (1995), Santorini, Greece
A.V. Tiunov, I.V. Surma and A.V. Filippas, Variants of Optics Schemes and Accelerator Configurations for the Athens Microtron, IASA Internal Report 1ASA-01/95
H. Herminghaus et al., First Operation of the 855 MeV CW Electron Accelerator MAMI, Proc. LIN AC Conference 1990, Albuquerque, New Mexico
H. Herminghaus, First Order Design Proposal of the IASA Microtron Cascade, IASA Internai Report IASA-02/95
N. Sparveris, Optics Studies on the 5 MeV Injector Line for the IASA Microtron, Diploma Thesis, University of Athens, 1996, unpublished
K.L. Brown, D.C. Carey, Ch. Iselin and F. Rothacker, TRANSPORT, A Computer Program for Designing Charded Particle Beam Transport Systems, CERN 80-04, W150, CERN Program Library
Lloyd M. Young, PARMELA, A Particle Dynamics Code for Electron Linacs, Accelerator Operations and Technology Division, Group AOT-1, Los Alamos, 1995