The IASA Racetrack Microtron Facility

Δημοσιευμένα: Dec 5, 2019
A. Karabarbounis
H. Avramopoulos
D. Economou
A. V. Filippa
T. A. Filippas
E. N. Gazis
K. Hizanidis
D. Maroulis
N. Papadakis
C. N. Papanicolas
H. Rahmani
E. Stiliaris
C. Trikalinos
N. Uzunöglou
N. Vodinas

The Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications (IASA) is pursuing research and facilitates postgraduate studies in traditional and cross-disciplinary areas where accelerators play an important role. The first major facility of IASA, now under construction, is a 246 MeV two-stage CW Cascade microtron. The planned experimental programs and facilities include nuclear and particle physics, nuclear medicine, archeometry and material science.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Oral contributions
S. Penner et al., IEEE Trans, on Nucl. Sci. Vol. NS-32 (1985) 2669-2671
L.S.Cardman, IEEE Trans, on Nucl. Sci. Vol. NS-30 (1983) 3267-3273
H. Herminghaus et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. 138 (1976) 1
A.V. Tiunov et al., PAC95, Dallas USA
V.G. Gevogkyan et al., VINITIN, 183-B89, Moscow 1989
H. Avramopoulos et al., Compact, Mode-Locked, Semiconductor Diode Laser for Polarized Electron Sources, SPIN96, Amsterdam, Holland 1996
H. Herminghaus, private communication, 1995
L.S. Cardman, private communication
A.V. Filippas et al., Optics for the Athens cw RTM, EPAC96, Sitges, SPAIN, 1996
E. Stiliaris et al., Control System Implementation for the IASA Microtron, EPAC96, Sitges, SPAIN, 1996
1st International Cross Disciplinary Symposium on Accelerators and Applications, Athens, May 26-28, 1994.