Enviromental Radioactivity measurements in Northwerstern Greece

Δημοσιευμένα: Dec 5, 2019
P. A. Assimakopoulos

No abstract (available).

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Oral contributions
Measurement of the Transfer Coefficient for Radiocesium Transport from a Sheep's Diet to its Milk, P.A. Assimakopoulos, K.G. loannides, A.A. Pakou and A. Mantzios, Health Physics 53 (1987) 685
The Environmental Behavior of " Ί in North Western Greece following the Nuclear Reactor Accident at Chernobyl, P.A. Assimakopoulos, K.G. loannides, and A.A. Pakou, Health Physics 55 (1987) 783
Radiocesium Levels Measured in Breast Milk, One Year after the Reactor Accident at Chernobyl, P.A. Assimakopoulos, K.G. loannides, A.A. Pakou, D.Lolis, K. Zikopoulos and B. Dusias, Health Physics 5 6 (1989) 103
Radiocesium Decontamination of Ovin• Milk, P.A. Assimakopoulos, K.G. loannides, A.A. Pakou and A. Mantzios, Health Physics 5 7 (1989) 183
A Study of Radiocesium Contamination and Decontamination of Sheep's Milk, P.A. Assimakopoulos K.G. loannides, A.A. Pakou and A.S. Mantzios, The Sci. of the Tot. Environ. 85 (1989) 279
The Propagation of the Chernobyl " Ί Input•• through the Air-Grass-Animal-Milk Pathway in Northwestern Greece, P.A. Assimakopoulos K.G. loannides and A.A. Pakou, The Sci. of the Tot. Environ. 85 (1989) 295
A General Multiple-compartment Model for the Transport of Trace Elements through Animals, P.A. Assimakopoulos, K.G. loannides, and A.A. Pakou, Health Physics 61 (1991) 2 4 5
Strontium-90 Concentrations in Human Teeth in Southern Ukraine. Five Years after the Chernobyl Accident. Y.D. Kulev, G.G. Polikarpov, E.V. Prigodey and P.A. Assimakopoulos, Health Physics (to be published) 1992
Variât on of the Transfer Coefficient for Radiocesium Transport to Sheep's Milk during a Complete Lactation Period, P.A. Assimakopoulos, K.G. loannides, D.T. Karamanis, A.A. Pakou, K.C. Stamoulis, A.G. Mantzios, E. Nikolaou and B.J. Howard, Health Physics (to be published) 1992
Transport of Radiocaesium from a Sheep's Diet to its Tissues, P.A. Assimakopoulos, K.G. loannides, A.A. Pakou, A.S. Mantzios and C.P. Pappas, Sci. Total Environ, (to be published) 1992
Radiocaesium Transfer to Sheep's Milk as a Result of Soil Ingestion, P.A. Assimakopoulos, K.G. loannides, D.T. Karamanis, A.A. Pakou, K.C. Stamoulis, A.G. Mantzios. E. Nikolaou and B.J. Howard, Sci. Total Environ, (to be published) 1992