A Detailed Study of the 12C(d,p0)13C Reaction at Detector Angles between 135 ° and 170 °, for the Energy Range Ed,lab = 900-2000 keV

Δημοσιευμένα: Δεκ 5, 2019
M. Kokkoris
P. Misaelides
S. Kossionides
Ch. Zarkadas
A. Lagoyannis
R. Vlastou
C. T. Papadopoulos
A. Kontos

The differential cross sections of the 12C(d,po)13C reaction applied to the determination of the depth distribution of carbon in near-surface layers of materials were determined in the projectile energy region F,dtiab — 900-2000 keV (in steps of 25 keV) and for detector angles between 135 ° and 170 ° (in steps of 5 ° ) using as targets 99.9% purity self-supported natural carbon (98.9% 12C - 1.1% 13C) foils of nominal thickness ca. lxlO18 at/cm2. The overall error in the absolute differential cross section measurements varied between ~6-22%. The results were compared with already published data and the explanation of the occurring differences was attempted.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Oral contributions (deprecated)
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