An analytical formula for proton momentum distribution in nuclei with A>4

Δημοσιευμένα: Dec 5, 2019
G. S. Anagnostatos
A. N. Antonov
J. Giapitzakis
P. Ginis
S. E. Massen
M. K. Gaidarov

A successful analytical formula for the proton momentum distribution in all nuclei with A>4 accounting for nucleon-nucleon correlation effects, is presented. In this formula the Isomorphic Shell Model wave functions are employed, which are readily available for all nuclei all the way up to 2 0 8Pb. However, other wave functions (e.g., shell model or Hartree-Fock) could be used with almost equivalent results. Available experimental data for 4He, 1 2C and 5 6Fe and predictions of other theories, e.g., for 4 0Ca, are used for comparison of the predictions of the present formula. A reservation is kept concerning the validity of this formula for the momentum distribution of exotic nuclei.

Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
  • Ενότητα
  • Oral contributions (deprecated)
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