Preparing Phase 4 of the n_TOF/CERN facility
After CERN’s Long Shutdown 2, the n_TOF facility infrastructure was largely upgraded. The biggest change is the installation of a new lead spallation target, the performance of which needs to be carefully examined. During Summer 2021, the facility’s two flight paths were characterised in terms of neutron beam energy distribution, profile and resolution. In this work, the characterisation of the facility is described and the first results are given.
Article Details
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Stamati, M.-E., Patronis, N., Bacak, M., Amaducci, S., Casanovas Hoste, A., Garcia Infantes, F., Manna, A., Mengoni, A., Pavon Rodriguez, J. A., Praena Rodriguez, A. J., & Spelta, M. (2022). Preparing Phase 4 of the n_TOF/CERN facility. HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics, 28, 109–111.
- Issue
- Vol. 28 (2021): HNPS2021
- Section
- Oral contributions

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