The use of Infographics as an educational tool for the upcoming digital transition

Elisavet Kelidou
Konstantina Siountri

Infographics have been proved as one of the most efficient visual tools to convey messages in a variety of applications and contexts. From road signage to data visualization and education, infographic designers manage to give a visual explanation for less or more complex concepts through a decreased use of detail, visual elements and text. Infographics can be designed in more than one types but static and animated types are the most frequently used. Whether the two types mentioned are equally effective in achieving a learning outcome, is still a subject of research. Studies that have compared static and animated infographics give different findings, preventing a secure conclusion for both of them. In addition to the above infographics have been used as visual rhetorical figures for creating meaning that persuade and lead to conclusions, perceptions, and emotions that could, in some cases, have a behavioral impact.

The prementioned use of infographics as a means of knowledge transfer has been widely used in recent years in the transmission of information to social groups that may have little or no familiarity with the innovation of ICT and the processing of complex technological advancements. Technological developments and achievements such as Smart Cities, 5G, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, etc. will change our lives drastically soon. For that reason, organizations, companies and research centers are trying to communicate the imminent changes with citizens - potential consumers - and to inform them of the upcoming digital transition that many describe as the 4th Industrial Revolution, in a simple and brief way. This paper seeks to identify both the positive effects of infographics and the dangers of such simplification and homogenization through paradigms, especially regarding the cultural characteristics of different sites and communities.

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