Conservation-restoration in the Czech Republic

Alena Selucká

This paper brießy summarises approaches to restoring cultural sites and artefacts in the Czech Republic from the establishment of the so-called Czech Restoration School at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague to the current scientiÞc concept of conservation-restoration based on broader interdisciplinary co-operation. Major universities and schools which teach young conservators-restorers are listed, and the activities of professional associations and methodological workplaces are also described. The paper is centred on an overview of regulatory legislative measures in regard to carrying out restoration work. These measures include the so-called restorer’s licence granted by the Ministry of Culture for the restoration of cultural monuments which are works of art or craftsmanship.

Article Details
  • Section
  • Proceedings of the Conference
Slánský, Bohuslav: Technika malby, svazek I. a II., 1953, reprint 2003, Paseka, ISBN: 80-7185-624-X(soubor).
Stretti, Karel. Vývoj a speciÞky restaurování v českém prostředí. Technologia artis: ročenka Archivu historické výtvarné technologie Praha, 1993, roč. 3. [online]. [cit. 2019-07-27].
Zákon č. 455/1991 Sb., zákon o živnostenském podnikání
Zákon č. 20/1987 Sb., zákon o státní památkové péči