Regulation of Conservation-Restoration in Bulgaria

Stefan Belishki

The article presents the regulation of conservation-restoration in Bulgaria. It explores current legislative documents, in particular the Cultural Heritage Act, along with some subordinate normative acts. The legal texts related to conservation-restoration are explained and discussed. The quality assurance issues are also commented on. The current challenges in the profession are reviewed in the context of the local social environment.

Article Details
  • Section
  • Proceedings of the Conference
National Assembly, ‘Cultural Heritage Act’. State Gazette, 2021. Accessed: Mar. 06, 2023. [Online]. Available:Þles/3696_CulturalHeritageAct-Bulgaria.pdf
National Assembly, ‘Higher Education Act’. State Gazette, 2016. Accessed: Mar. 06, 2023. [Online]. Available:Þles/zkn_visseto_obr_01.03.2016_EN.pdf