Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Proceedings of the ICBE-HOU 2024

Published: 2025-03-12

This publication gathered the proceedings of the International Conference on Business & Economics of the Hellenic Open University 2024 (ICBE – HOU 2024). The ICBE – HOU aims to bring together leading scientists and researchers, affiliated with the HOU, to present, discuss and challenge their ideas, opinions and research findings about all disciplines of Business Administration and Economics. Additionally, it aims to provide the forum for the graduate students of the HOU and other academic institutions to present and discuss their research with other researchers in the scientific community. The proceedings provide an opportunity for researchers, postgraduate students, and industry practitioners to gain knowledge and an understanding of advanced topics concerning accounting, public accounting, taxation, finance, game theory, audit, management, macroeconomics and social economy.


The Editorial Team

Dimitras Augustinos, Εditor-in-Chief

Mitsi Chrysavgi, Co-Εditor

Peppas George, Co-Εditor



Augustinos Dimitras, Chrysavgi Mitsi, George Peppas

Health Belief Model’s Application in Blood Donation Policies

Maria Theodoratou, Drosoula Papandreou, Chrysoula Dafogianni, Ioanna V. Papathanassiou, Katerina Flora, Vasiliki Yotsidi

Cash flows, Accruals and Corporate returns

Augustinos Dimitras, George Peppas, Konstantinos Seremetis, Efstathios Magerakis

Problematic Internet Use, Psychological Distress, and Quality of Life: A Study Among Greek Adults

Maria Theodoratou, Dimitra Katsarou, Maria Varvitsioti, Efthymia Efthymiou, Georgios A. Kougioumtzis, Maria Sofologi, Soultana Papadopoulou

Yachting tourist expenditure and its effect on the local economy: The case of Lefkada

Nikolaos-Marios Diakomichalis, Petros Kalantonis, Mihail Diakomihalis

Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management in Healthcare

Maria Theodoratou, Andreas Papadopoulos, Kalliopi Megari, George Tsitsas, Panoraia Andriopoulou

Music Academies Management in Greece

Aristotelis Dimitriadis, Margarita Kefalaki