Quantifying athermal recombination corrected radiation damage in ion irradiated Fe and W utilizing the SRIM code

Published: Jul 31, 2024
radiation damage SRIM displacement per atom (dpa) athermal recombination corrected dpa (arc-dpa) Fe W
E. Mitsi
G. Apostolopoulos

Athermal recombination corrected displacements per atom (arc-dpa) is a recently proposed correction to the standard Norgett-Robinson-Torrens (NRT) model employed for radiation damage calculations, which takes into account intra-cascade recombination. The correction is not yet implemented in any of the widely used ion transport codes, and special data handling is required to obtain arc-dpa damage parameters in ion irradiations. In the current work, the widely used code SRIM was employed to calculate arc-dpa parameters in two metals of key interest for fusion materials research, Fe and W. For this, an interpolation was devised for the ion energy deposited to target damage, which was then used for post-processing of SRIM output. The NRT- and arc-dpa results obtained with this method are in general agreement with previous studies.

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