Recent results on elastic scattering and single-neutron stripping reaction in the 18O+48Ti collision at 275 MeV

Published: Jul 31, 2024
Nuclear Reactions Heavy Ions Elastic Scattering Transfer Reactions Magnetic Spectrometer
Onoufrios Sgouros
G. A. Brischetto
F. Cappuzzello
M. Cavallaro
D. Carbone
C. Agodi
D. Calvo
E. R. Chavez Lomeli
I. Ciraldo
M. Cutuli
G. De Gregorio
F. Delaunay
H. Djapo
C. Eke
P. Finocchiaro
M. Fisichella
A. Gargano
M. A. Guazzelli
A. Hacisalihoglu
R. Linares
J. Lubian
N. H. Medina
M. Moralles
J. R. B. Oliveira
A. Pakou
L. Pandola
V. Soukeras
G. Souliotis
A. Spatafora
D. Torresi
A. Yildirim
V. A. B. Zagatto

A global study of the 18O+48Ti collision at 275 MeV was carried out within the NUMEN and NURE experimental campaigns by measuring the complete net of nuclear reactions which may be involved in the 48Ti→48Ca double charge exchange transition. The relevant experiment was visualized at the INFN-LNS in Catania, where angular distribution measurements for a plethora of reaction channels were performed by means of the MAGNEX large acceptance magnetic spectrometer. The present work provides an overview of the analyses of the elastic scattering and one-neutron transfer reaction channels.

Article Details
  • How to Cite
  • Sgouros, O., Brischetto, G. A., Cappuzzello, F., Cavallaro, M., Carbone, D., Agodi, C., Calvo, D., Chavez Lomeli, E. R., Ciraldo, I., Cutuli, M., De Gregorio, G., Delaunay, F., Djapo, H., Eke, C., Finocchiaro, P., Fisichella, M., Gargano, A., Guazzelli, M. A., Hacisalihoglu, A., Linares, R., Lubian, J., Medina, N. H., Moralles, M., Oliveira, J. R. B., Pakou, A., Pandola, L., Soukeras, V., Souliotis, G., Spatafora, A., Torresi, D., Yildirim, A., & Zagatto, V. A. B. (2024). Recent results on elastic scattering and single-neutron stripping reaction in the 18O+48Ti collision at 275 MeV. HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics, 30, 148–153.
  • Section
  • Oral contributions
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