Nuclear power as part of the Greek energy mix: Far better to be cost effectively proactive than unconditionally inactive

HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics vol. 29 (HNPS2022)
Published: May 5, 2023
nuclear power nuclear reactor Greece
Nikolaos Petropoulos
Dimitris Mitrakos

This position paper advocates preparatory actions for the incorporation of fission energy into the Greek mix, should this be necessary within the foreseeable future. To this end, and first of all, a concise understanding of the current Greek energy mix and its perspectives is essential in connection to the potential problems due to the expansion of renewable energy. Present and future inefficiencies could be avoided to a manageable extend, mainly by energy savings, mostly applicable for buildings consumption and also by upgrades towards a much denser grid, capable of reversing flows, along with energy storage facilities. In parallel, an assessment of the introduction potential of nuclear power could be examined. The assessment could involve political parties, scientists and other stakeholders, pro and against, and might reasonably result to justified arguments capable of raising public awareness. The country's preparedness to go nuclear could depend more or less on the degree of local energy market regulation framework, on the local and broader investment and financial environment, on the power plant construction and operation insurance possibilities, on the review and introduction of applicable law for licensing and regulating nuclear power and on the local scientific potential in the nuclear engineering field. Parameters like construction of related major engineering parts locally should also be examined along with compensatory benefits to the domestic economy and the local societies in the vicinity of the reactor sites. It is proposed that this work could be accomplished by an adequate task force without particular costs and within reasonable time.

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