Fast Neutron Activation Analysis at the NCSRD Tandem Accelerator facility: Prognosis and Optimization

HNPS2021 Proceedings Cover
Published: Oct 17, 2022
Z. Bari
S. Chasapoglou
A. Kalamara
T. Vasilopoulou
M. Axiotis
A. Lagoyannis
M. Kokkoris
R. Vlastou
I.E. Stamatelatos
Neutron Activation Analysis Prognosis and Optimization (NAAPRO) code was applied for the prognosis of the activation products, their activities, the number of counts recorded in the detector, the minimum detection limits as well as the gamma spectrum obtained in fast neutron activation analysis experiments. Simulations were performed for geological and biological reference materials irradiated with 14 MeV neutrons at the 5.5 MV NCSRD tandem accelerator facility. The results of the study demonstrated the fast neutron analytical capabilities of the accelerator and, moreover, allowed for the optimization of the FNAA parameters, while avoiding the performance of difficult and time-consuming experimental tests at the accelerator facility.
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