Experimental Study of the Nuclear Structure of 180Hf: Preliminary results
This work features preliminary results from a recent experimental campaign at IFIN-HH, Romania, aimed at measuring lifetimes of excited states in the neutron-rich 180Hf, by means of the RDDS technique. The 181Ta(11B,12C)180Hf proton pick-up reaction was used to populate excited states in the 180Hf nucleus. The ROSPHERE array loaded with 25 HPGe detectors was employed for the detection of the γ transitions depopulating the levels of interest. The array was coupled to the SORCERER particle detector and a plunger device enabling the study of p-γ and p-γ-γ coinciding events. Six different plunger foil distances were chosen, allowing for the construction of the decay curves of the observed γ transitions of interest, from which the corresponding level lifetimes can subsequently be deduced.
Article Details
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Vasileiou, P., Mertzimekis, T. J., Chalil, A., Zyriliou, A., Pelonis, S., Lagaki, V., Siltzovalis, G., Efstathiou, M., Koseoglu, P., Bonatsos, D., Martinou, A., Minkov, N., Marginean, N., Mihai, C., Florea, N., Ujeniuc, S., Tuturica, A., Costache, C., Mihai, R., Stan, L., Filipescu, D., Toma, S., Gheorghe, I., Dinescu, I., Ionescu, A., Stoica, L., Calinescu, S., Oprea, A., Stoica, A., Sotty, C., Clisu, C., Nita, C., & Neascu, C. (2022). Experimental Study of the Nuclear Structure of 180Hf: Preliminary results. HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics, 28, 112–116. https://doi.org/10.12681/hnps.3612
- Issue
- Vol. 28 (2021): HNPS2021
- Section
- Oral contributions

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