Impact of nuclear mass measurements in the vicinity of 132Sn on the r-process nucleosynthesis

Oct 17, 2022
r-process Penning traps Hauser-Feshbach neutron-capture rates
Nuclear masses are a key aspect in the modelling of nuclear reaction rates for the r-process nucleosynthesis. High precision mass measurements drastically reduce the associated uncertainties in the modelling of r-process nucleosynthesis. We investigate the impact of nuclear mass uncertainties on neutron-capture rates calculations using a Hauser – Feshbach statistical code in the vicinity of 132Sn. Finally, we study the impact of the propagated neutron-capture reaction rates uncertainties on the r-process nucleosynthesis. We find that mass measurements with uncertainties higher than 20 keV affect the calculation of reaction rates. We also note that modelling of reaction rates can differ for more than a factor of two even for experimentally known nuclear masses.
Article Details
- How to Cite
NIKAS, S., Kankainen, A., Beliuskina, O., & Nesterenko, D. (2022). Impact of nuclear mass measurements in the vicinity of 132Sn on the r-process nucleosynthesis. HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics, 28, 86–92.
- Issue
- Vol. 28 (2021): HNPS2021
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- Oral contributions

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