A Technique for Metallic Waste Characterization and Segregation in Management Routes

HNPS2021 Proceedings Cover
Published: Oct 17, 2022
gamma spectrometry MCNPX simulation radiological characterization
Dimitrios Mavrikis
Angelos Markopoulos
Elena Dalla
Alexandra Ioannidou
Anastasia Savidou

Adequate radiological characterization is important for optimization of metallic waste management. For decommissioning planning, the objective is to obtain a radiological understanding of the involved installation. The characterization at this stage could be carried out by means of: 1) neutron activation calculations based on reactor design and neutron flux; 2) dose rate measurements; 3) in-situ gamma spectrometry; 4) sampling for determination of the scaling factors in activated and contaminated components. During dismantling, in-situ characterization is carried out to classify and package the generated waste. Then, the packages are monitored for assessment of activity and determination of the management route.  The selection of cutting and decontamination techniques should be based on accurate determination of the radionuclides inside the material and/ or on the surface contamination. . It is important to decide in which cases the decontamination will be efficient as well as to select the appropriate decontamination techniques based on whether the waste is slightly activated or contaminated or both. Α Semi-empirical technique for optimization of determination of contamination and activation of components and metallic waste is under development based on combination of gamma spectrometry measurements and MCNPX Monte Carlo simulations. Firstly, the technique aims at reduction of the uncertainties related to the density and activity distribution. The specific activities inside and on the surface of the materials could be determined by using the measurement results of the proposed non-destructive technique in combination with the use of the scaling factors for activation and/ or contamination.

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