Cross Section Measurements of (n,p) Reactions on Ge Isotopes

Published: Apr 17, 2020
G. Gkatis
Rosa Vlastou
A. Kalamara
S. Chasapoglou
M. Kokkoris
M. Axiotis
A. Lagoyannis
I. E. Stamatelatos
The 72,73Ge(n,p)72,73Ga reaction cross sections were measured at the 5.5MV HV Tandem accelerator of  NCSR “Demokritos”, at neutron energies 17.7 and 19.3 MeV by using the activation method. The contamination from the (n,d) and (n,np)  reactions  on 73Ge and 74 Ge, leading to the 72Ge and 73Ge residual nuclei, respectively, has been  taken  into account, implementing the corresponding cross sections from  TENDL-2017. A systematic investigation of the isotopic effect on all Ge isotopes is also presented, from threshold up  to 20MeV, using the present data along with existing data in literature
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