Nuclear Shell Model And Quantum Phase Transitions
Apr 1, 2019
quantum phase transitions nuclear shell model
The usual nuclear shell model defines nuclear properties through an effective mean-field plus a two-body interaction Hamiltonian in a finite orbital space. In this study we try to understand the correlation between the various parts of the shell model Hamiltonian and the nuclear observables and collectivity in nuclei. By varying specific groups of matrix elements we find signs of a phase transition in nuclei between a non-collective and a collective phase. In all cases studied the collective phase is attained when the single-particle transfer matrix elements are dominant in the shell model Hamiltonian, giving collective characteristics to nuclei.
Article Details
- How to Cite
Karampagia, S., & Zelevinsky, V. (2019). Nuclear Shell Model And Quantum Phase Transitions. HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics, 26, 88–95.
- Issue
- Vol. 26 (2018): HNPS2018
- Section
- Oral contributions
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