HNPS2022 Proceedings - Submission deadline


The Proceedings of each HNPS Symposium appear in a dedicated series volume, titled HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics. In 2017, HNPS has signed a MoU with the National Documentation Center (EKT) to increase the Society’s online presence and disseminate the research results through the EKT’s open access platform eProceedings (ISSN 2654-007X print, 2654-0088 online).

Authors should prepare their articles using this template only. No other formats will be accepted. Article length should not exceed a 6-page limit for oral and 4-page limit for poster presentations.

Please submit your work, no later than November 25, 2022, through the official file uploader.

You may consult the Guide on how to submit an article to HNPS Advances in Nuclear Physics.